
Burning Heart

let God burning your heart and warmth you days.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Spirit to Learn

a child at Kampung Nelayan (Fisherman Village) Today is the last day of 2010 i went to Kampung Nelayan to buy some fresh fish. i saw a boy scribbling something. the boy make me realize, how a life... a moment.. can be so much valuable. the spirit to learn of this boy warmth my heart give me some hope fot the future of my nation We as a nation need this kind of spi...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

thank you for today

me, Sr.Agnes, Sr.Siti and Sr.Martha today i have a great time. me, Sr.Maria, Sr.Cecil, Sr.Reta, Sr.Siti, Sr.Stanislas, Sr.Martha, Sr.Rita, Sr.Anna, Sr.Agnes, Sr.Ind...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hura! Santa Ursula!!!!

GO! GO! GO! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! WIN! WIN! WIN! Seruan penuh semangat disambut dengan pekik riuh dari dalam ruangan indor Senayan. Adrenalin mengalir cepat Sr. Reta sampai perlu pindah ke lokasi yang memungkannya untuk berdiri dan berteriak. saat para Putri Santa Ursula muncul, kami semua tahan napas. saya merasa senang dan bangga melihat mereka. Permainan mereka begitu indah dan lembut. Anggun. harmoniasasi yang kompak. Dan ternyata, Putri Santa Ursula menduduki nomor 1 dalam babak penyisihan. HURA!!!!! Semoga besok bisa tampil jadi pemenang! SUKSES PUTRI-PUTRI SANTA URSU...

Happy cross kado

  malam ini kami mengadakan tukar kado. menyenangkan sekali. aku sempat bingung karena ternyata memilih kado yang tepat bukan perkara yang mudah. batinku terus gelisah. rupanya itu cara Allah Bapa agar aku mau lebih peka Dia mengajarku untuk mendengarNya. belajar membuat keputusan bersamaNya. dan Dia mengajarku tidak dalam perkara besar tetapi dalam perkara sederhana. Terima kasih Ba...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Smile

it's a cold and cloudy nightMary and Joseph walk slowlyno friends, no familynobody accept the donkey,the starsand the silence of the night Joseph hold Mary's handto comfort herto let her know that he is thereand he will do anything for her and the baby Marry smileshe knows GOD give her the bestnot an easy onebut the most precious oneMary smile againand Christmas night fall...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

She is only 91

Today my grand's birthday. we gather together at small GKI-Layur's  meeting rooms we pray, we praise the LORD and hear a nice inspirational story from Rev.John Ch.Panuluh. It was wonderful. I am very happy. to see my grandma's big bright smile. she sang a song too. Thank you LORD for my gran....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pop Up Flower Card

hasilnya Buat yangt suka berkreasi, silahkan coba yang satu ini. PopUp Card alias kartu yang bisa nongol-nongol gitu.... Fold two rectangular pieces of construction paper in half. One piece will be the outside of the card and one piece will be the inside. lipatlah dua kertas persegiempat. satu untuk bagian luar kartu dan yang lain menjadi bagian dalam kartu.  On the piece that will be the inside, cut two short lines near the middle of the fold. potonglah dua garis pendek pada kertas yang akan menjadi bagian dalam kartu, sehingga bagian tengahnya dapat dilipat   Fold the two outside flaps that you just made (but...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Inilah Hidup

Sr.Madeleine,OSU, Pastor Kus dan seorang guru  Adalah sebuah kenyataan menakutkan saat kita dihadapkan pada titik akhir kehidupan. Bagaimana tidak, tak seorangpun yang sudah mengalami bangkit dari kematian. Bahkan dalam menghadapi sebuah kematian, seorang teolog dan pengajar iman-pun bisa mengalami krisis psikologis. "hal itu, wajar." kata Pastor Kusmaryanto SCJ. "Tidak ada urusannya dengan iman, tapi ini sebuah mekanisme pertahanan diri secara psikologis yang akan muncul secara spontan dalam diri kita," lanjutnya. Lalu Pastor Kus menjelaskan seluruh tahap-tahap yang dilalui seseorang saat berhadapan dengan kematian atau penyakit yang...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

SanurJunior Happy Christmas

Many things could make me smile and happyand be grateful to our LORD, Jesus Christ.and today, one from many isseeing happy talented young girlsdo the best they could to achieve something...

Jingle Goody Back

Sr.Cecil & Sr.Rita: packing goody-back for the children Jingle on the airwith candy, popcorn and smile so lovely and fairour beloved sisters busy with many many many goody-backfor the children that will come to sing and have a snack.Happy spirit around the waylove and kindness never fade awaysmiling and twinkling eyes made our daysbe thank full for the LORD who made our WAYSjingle on the waywith goody back for everyonenot candy, popcorn olnybut smile and love too, for you and ...

Friday, December 17, 2010


The idea of proportional-stress for you do you better was nice. i agree with that. the problem is i do not know when my stress is out of limits well, suddenly i burned out already and having difficult time to get back ... long road to go back home.. to myself.  Yesterday, i took the opportunity to re-fresh myself. accept the invitation from some school of education at south Jakarta Mrs.Endah and i went there by car. We having good time there not for the lecture only, but for the new friends that we had. I also enjoy to fill the questioner and realize the state of my being. i went back to my convent at Jl Pos by bus. being sandwiches my others .. full .. full... tired but content. nice re-fresh-ing... it's wonderful how GOD make every little event for me refreshing my daily life with...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Three Things

May you  find your own THREE RULES Three things in life that, once gone, never come back 1. Time 2. Words 3. Opportunity Three things in life that can destroy a person 1. Anger 2. Pride 3. Unforgiveness Three things in life that you should never lose1. Hope 2. Peace 3. Honesty Three things in life that are most valuable 1. Love2. Family &Friends3. Kindness Three things in life that are never certain 1. Fortune2. S uccess3. Dreams Three things that make a person -1. Commitment2. Sincerity3. Hard work I ask the lord to bless you, as I pray for you today,to guide you and protect you, as you go along your way.god’s love is...

Little Time

When you have little time,just little time for you and HIM who loves youtake a deep breath,silenceand read this few quotes to lighten up yourself...May our Father give us courage to continue our journeyCheck out The Three Things In Life… | Inspirational Quotes, Inspirational Poems, Inspirational Greeti...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Modern High Esteem

Today i went to a modern huge hospital. it was amazing. the floor was smooth with soft-brown an dark-orange. the wall has two colors too, smooth-dark-green and peaceful-brown. fresh air and.... every few minutes a perfume-wall will pour out lemon fragrance it was wonderful to be there and the most important is the staff and paramedic was so warmth. i feel at home feel like they will help and accept you know matter what! it takes long time for me to realize that kind of condition only for the rich one. this nice and warmth place not for ordinary one. i feel unhappy then. its a pity.. and uneasy feeling come through me. do i feel a little bit proud to be that kind of place? or pride? feeling good because they do good things for me what if they don't do that? do i still feel what i feel now? or...

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Gift


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stress Manajemen AudioEBook

English | Audio MP3, 112kbps, 44 kHz | 225 MB Collection consist 15 CD titles: 1) Chill Out - A guided meditation for anxiety panic attacks 2) Deep Recharge - A guided meditation to get more energy 3) Deep Relaxation - A guided meditation for deep relaxation 4) Falling Asleep - A guided meditation for positive dreams 5) Fantastic Relaxation - A meditation for a peaceful dream 6) Inner Peace - A guided meditation for finding inner peace 7) Guided Imagery - A guided imagery meditation for inner vision 8) Guided Relaxation - A relaxing meditation for stress and anxiety 9) Managing Stress - A guided meditation for stress relief 10) Natural...

EBook: free download

The Next Queen of Heaven   by Gregory Maguire ISBN-13: 978-0061997792 Humor | English | October 2010 | 7.11 Mb download EBook With the new millennium approaching, the eccentric town of Thebes grows even stranger. Mrs. Leontina Scales begins speaking in tongues after being clocked by a Catholic statuette. Her daughter, Tabitha, and her sons scheme to save their mother or surrender her to Jesus-whatever comes first. Meanwhile, choir director Jeremy Carr, caught between lust and ambition, fumbles his way toward Y2K. The ancient Sisters of the Sorrowful Mysteries join with a gay singing group. The Radical Radiants battle the Catholics....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Grany's simple and strong faith

Today is holiday i went to my grandmom's house she was very pleased to see me i did too she'll be 91 on 23rd December i am looking forward to celebrate her birthday today we talked about lots of things especially about the past you know.. grandma's sweet memories and she told me about her accident 3 days ago she felt and got hurt she had to crawled to the nearest chair nobody at home when she felt she said to GOD "dear GOD, You are the only one i have got, so please grant me strength to reach the chair" and than she dragged herself slowly "GOD DANK!" she said with big bright smile on her face. what a story!! i feel relieve and shame at the...

Monday, December 6, 2010

The beauty of dreams


Saturday, December 4, 2010

sharing moment

Beautiful, quiet, smooth afternoon i sat on a chair in the middle of small Eden breath in some calming peaceful air what a gift what a nice celebration end for this week thank you thank you for be with me on this quiet simple moment celebrating every second of life and letting me know that YOU love me always in the beautiful, quiet, smooth aftern...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ordinary Girl

  She's the simple peasant girl they call Queen of Heaven.   She's the Lord's humble servant, yet an icon of womanly streng...

the girl with Madona

Today the weather almost dark. cold wind raising unwanted feeling in my spine. i look at the sky Is it you? is it still you?  i picture you, little girl with a big bright eyes and madona in you arms. the smile on your face never fade away peacefull memories clothing my mind and my heart i hope you still the one i love the girl with madona in her arms and hopeful spirit in her heart...

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