
Burning Heart

let God burning your heart and warmth you days.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to Enjoy Life

We have a problem. We don’t know how to enjoy life anymore.  Why?  We have so many hang-ups, so many issues, so many worries, so many fears, so many burdens… We have lost the art of enjoying life, of playing with small children, of conversing with a friend, of holding hands with a loved one, of smelling the flowers, of gazing at the stars, of singing in the shower, of dancing in the rain, of sucking deeply the bone marrow of life! Let me tell you why people have a hard time doing these… The Bottomless Pit Of Worthlessness Deep inside us is a bottomless pit of worthlessness.  (In the Philippines, the only...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Regina Coeli: Christ is the vine, we are the branches

In his message for the Regina Coeli, Pope Benedict XVI spoke about the Gospel for today, the Fifth Sunday of Easter. He recalled the words of Christ, who said, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-grower.” “On the day of our Baptism,” the Pope said, “The Church grafts us as branches into the Paschal Mystery of Christ, into His own Person.” He called upon the faithful to bear in mind that “every one of us is like a vine, which lives only if it is growing every day in prayer, participation in the Sacraments, in charity, in its union with the Lord. And he who loves Jesus, the true vine, produces fruits of faith for...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

small cross in my pocket

I carry a cross in my pocket, A simple reminder to me That I am a Christian, No matter where I may be. This little cross isn’t magic, Nor is it a good luck charm. It isn’t meant to protect me From every physical harm. It’s not for identification For all the world to see. It’s simply an understanding Between my Savior and me. When I put my hand in my pocket To bring out a coin or a key, The cross is there to remind me Of the price He paid for me. It reminds me too, to be thankful For my blessings every day, And to strive to serve Him better In all that I do or say. It’s also a daily reminder Of the peace and comfort I share With...

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